Good Friday Header

Spend today reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice during our Good Friday Devotional reading which features key Good Friday Bible verses and a little bit of inspiration!

Good Friday Devotional

Welcome to day 3 of our 4-day Holy Week study, the Good Friday devotional.

While many tend to skip over Maundy Thursday to combine the events of the Last Supper and the crucifixion into one day of remembrance (Good Friday). I chose to keep them separate for our Holy Week study.

Good Friday is the day we remember the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior.

A blameless, completely sinless, perfect Son of God who died in the place of a murderer and ultimately died in the place of all of us!

Jesus suffered terrible beatings, a horrible mocking, and an excruciating death, but for what? For us.

It’s so hard to even wrap my head around the fact that someone could love me so much that they would die for me.

While the world went dark and our Lord died an earthly death, something miraculous was happening behind the scenes.

No one had any clue what was coming next. you guys!

Good Friday Devotional

3 short days later a risen Savior would give the world a reason to hope and celebrate!

Today we can rest in knowing that He endured pain, suffering, and a human death so that we may live!

The best part? This is just one piece of the incredible story.

That ultimate act of love given over 2,000 years ago is an active part of our lives today.

When we walk through the dark storms of this life we can always have hope in knowing that our Sunday’s coming, you guys!

Spend today reflecting and thanking Him for His ultimate sacrifice.

Good Friday Bible Verses

Scripture can be such a wonderful blessing and tool.

That said, if you somehow stumbled upon this Good Friday devotional study and haven’t participated in the rest of our Holy Week study, I encourage you to catch up by starting with our Palm Sunday devotional first!

I hope this study gives you hope and peace during Holy Week.

Join me in reading these simple Good Friday bible verses.

Easter Devotions Bible Readings Good Friday

Today’s Bible reading can be found in the book of Mark, verses 33-36.

Let’s dive deep into his word for Holy Week.

Holy Week Challenge

As a part of our Holy Week challenge, I’m encouraging everyone participating in this study to read scripture on the off days.

I encourage you to spend time reading your Bible on Saturday with a simple Psalms reading – Psalms 22:1-8.

I hope this challenge has been a blessing for your family and I encourage you to walk through these important historical events with your family by adding on fun extras like the one below.

If you love this Good Friday Devotional, I encourage you to bless others by sharing this content on social media today!

If you’re on the lookout for more content, feel free to check out our main website for more information on our homeschool blog and RV live! Plus, don’t forget about our 31 days of Psalms study!
