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Spend the first day of Holy Week in scripture and prayer with this simple Palm Sunday devotional that features key Palm Sunday bible verses and a little inspiration.

Palm Sunday Devotional

This simple Palm Sunday devotional is straight from the heart, you guys!

As I sit here on this Palm Sunday, I’m reminded of the ultimate sacrifice our Lord and Savior made for us on that dark day, over 2,000 years ago.

We are such a broken, sinful, and prideful people, yet Jesus still finds us incredibly valuable!

So valuable in fact, that He gave up His life so that we can have an everlasting one.

It’s so hard to even wrap my head around the fact that someone would do this for me.

I am so undeserving of His extreme love. However, I am incredibly thankful for His overwhelming mercy and selfless sacrifice.

Today is a great time to sit back and reflect on what this coming week truly represents.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people cried out Hosanna while waving palm branches to greet Him.

What an incredible sight that must have been!

Palm Sunday Devotional

Then, only a short week later, everything changed.

Not only was Jesus betrayed by one of His very own, but a second disciple denied even knowing Jesus at all.

Jesus was then arrested, severely beaten, and dished up a terrible punishment in the place of a murderer!

He was blameless, yet, he took on more than 1,000 lifetime’s worth of trials and sin.

How difficult it must have been to bear the sin of the entire world.

We all know the wonderful ending to this story though.

A resurrected Savior that is waiting for us to turn to Him, with nothing but open arms and a love undeserved.

Palm Sunday Bible Verses

This week I am making it a priority to walk through the Easter story with my children.

Being Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week, this journey officially starts today.

Join me in reading these simple Palm Sunday bible verses for the start of Holy Week!

Palm Sunday Bible Verses

Start your Palm Sunday Bible verse reading with John 12:12-16 and finish it up with Zechariah 9:9.

Let’s dive deep into his word for Holy Week, you guys!

Holy Week Challenge

I challenge you to spend time in the Word every day this week.

This can be done individually, with your spouse, as part of your homeschool day, or it can double as your family bible study time.

Walk through the Easter story, diving in full force, and allowing God to open your heart as you read through the powerful events of Holy Week.

Then, you can start your Easter Sunday caught up and ready to celebrate the fact that we have a living Savior!

I encourage you to read these simple Holy Week bible verses for Monday – Wednesday before diving into our Maundy Thursday devotional later in the week.

Easter Devotions Holy Week Bible Readings Palm Sunday1

If you have little ones and need help adding simplistic Easter-themed activities into your Holy Week, consider one of these fun ideas!

If you love this Palm Sunday Devotional, I encourage you to check back for more holiday devotional series coming in the future!

Don’t forget to check out our main website for more information on our family, our mission, and to get updates on additional content.
