Maundy Thursday Devotional
This Maundy Thursday devotional is day 2 of our Holy Week series!
Maundy Thursday is an important part of Holy Week.
On this day, we remember the night Jesus broke bread and poured wine for his disciples as a part of the event we call The Last Supper.
During this time Jesus spoke. He told his disciples the bread was meant to represent His body, and the wine His blood. He asked them to do this in remembrance of Him.
Jesus also announced that one among them would betray Him.
Can you imagine being one of the 12 on that fateful night?
How must that have felt?
I think I would be right in the midst of it.
I would likely be arguing the loudest making my announcement heard by all that it wouldn’t dare be me to betray our Lord.
One short day later He took the punishment for me and He took the punishment for us all.
That said, we have all betrayed our Savior in one way or another.
While it may be hard to admit it, we’ve been Judas a time or two, yet He still chooses us.
Today I sit here and I reflect on all that this week means.
I am so incredibly grateful for a Lord who loves me despite my faults, failures, and betrayals.
A Savior who gave his life, so that I may be cleansed, forgiven, and dwell in His house forever.
A God that loves me, even when I backslide.
What a night that night must have been.
It all started with a dinner and it ended with our Savior in chains.
This important evening in history was a night to remember!
Maundy Thursday Bible Verses
I hope you have been following along with our Holy Week study all week long!
If not, you can easily catch up by checking out day one of our study before moving forward.
That said, my kiddos have thoroughly enjoyed walking through Holy Week and discussing this incredible story together.
I hope this study will be as much a blessing to your family as it has been to ours!
Join me in reading these simple Maundy Thursday Bible verses.
Today’s reading can be found in Luke 22, verses 14-23.
Let’s dive deep into his word for Holy Week, you guys!
Holy Week Challenge
I challenge you to spend time reading the Bible every day this week!
Starting on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday.
Encourage your kiddos to join in on the fun by reading these bible verses with them and enjoying some of these fun Easter titles below!
If you love this simple Maundry Thursday devotional share them with your friends on social media today! Encourage them to spend time in scripture daily during Holy Week — including these simple Maundy Thursday Bible verses.
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