Palm Sunday Reading
A Beautiful Day…

Join me in this super simple Palm Sunday reading – a quick moment to jumpstart your Holy Week!

It’s Palm Sunday and I’m reminded of the moments leading up to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made over 2,000 years ago. It’s incredible to think about, am I right?

If you would like to dive even deeper on the subject of Palm Sunday, I highly encourage you to check out A Love Undeserved. Where I touch on the thoughts and emotions that are attached to this beautiful day, plus the meaning behind it.

I also encourage you to take part in the Easter Challenge mentioned in A Love Undeserved. Spend some time with Him each day this week and don’t forget to get your family involved!

Palm Sunday Reading

John 12:13

A Short & Sweet Moment…

I hope this verse touched and inspired you! Can you imagine the amazement of seeing Jesus approach? I too would be crying out HOSANNA! In the next few days leading up to Easter, it’s so incredibly important to take a moment to reflect on what these incredible events still mean to us in present day.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read A Love Undeserved to get started on your own Holy Week journey!

Looking for more inspiration to carry you through this month or even next? Check out my 31 days through the Psalms study. You can easily find DAY ONE right here.

Not looking for a month long study? Check out these short and sweet moments instead Remembering Grandma & You Are My Sunshine.

Love this verse? Please take a moment to share it on social media to inspire others during Holy Week!

Want Something Other Than Inspiration?

Check out my main website Simply Be, WILD & FREE for homeschool helps, organization tips, and more!

