Psalm 35:9

We are 10 days into our scripture study! Join me as we read Psalm 35:9 together!

A Reason to Rejoice

As wonderful as all the Psalms leading up to this has been, this is definitely one I’m excited about! We’ve already studied and learned that God is our refuge and our strength, that He is the one we should trust and lean on in signs of trouble, and now we get to reflect on something even more incredible! Let’s dive in full force today!

Need even more inspiration? Take a moment to catch up on the the 31 Days of Psalms – start here with day one!

Psalm 35:9

Short & Sweet
Psalm 35:9

“And my soul shall be joyful” – It’s so incredibly easy to get discouraged by our everyday struggles.  Life happens and we don’t always feel joyful, but one thing we can always rejoice in is the promise of His salvation. What a beautiful reminder this verse is!

We are so undeserving of God’s incredible love and mercy, yet He forgives and loves us still. What better reason to place our complete trust and hope in Him, and rejoice for the wonderful eternal life He promises? Seriously. This is something worth rejoicing, always!

Next time you’re feeling discouraged or overwhelmed with life try to remember that you can always be joyful in the Lord, and thankful for His amazing love.

Call to Action

Take a moment to rejoice with Him today! Sing him songs of loudest praise and rejoice in the fact that we are saved, even though it’s so incredibly undeserving!

I also encourage you make a journal entry or just write out a simple list of all the reasons you have to rejoice. Jot down the incredible blessings God has given you – memories, situations, and people that he has placed in your life! Thank Him for changing you and dwelling within you. Choose to be joyful today!
