Psalm 34:4

Join me in reading our daily scripture – Psalm 34:4!

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 8

Seeking Him Daily

Daily moments of seeking the Lord are incredibly essential for the homeschool mom, the stay at home mom, and every other mom alike! Taking the time to really let go and simply be with our Heavenly Father, even if only for a handful of minutes at a time can simply change your life. God loves us and wants to be near us. Can you imagine the heartbreak He must feel when we not only choose other things before Him, but we also reject him completely? Lets spend today reflecting on who God is, why He loves us, and how we can choose to seek Him daily! I found this great book with 365 daily prayers inspired by the Psalms to help keep it on my mind every day all year long.

Psalm 34:4

Short & Sweet
Psalm 34:4

This verse is simple, yet so incredibly beautiful. God knows our hearts completely. He knows our entire being inside and out! If we truly placed our trust in Him on a daily basis, we might just be shocked at the results. God wants us to cry out to Him. He wants us to share our fears, no matter how irrational or trivial they may seem. He wants to be our father and our protector, so He can deliver us from our pain and insecurities. Amazing right?

Call to Action

Today is the perfect day to seek the LORD. I encourage you to cry out to Him right now, so that He might deliver you from your fears.

Need even more encouragement and inspiration? Take a moment to catch up on the daily scripture readings and start at the very beginning! You can find the first 5 days right here – Day ONEDay TWODay THREEDay FOURDay FIVE
