Psalm 32:7
One week into our study and we are reading Psalm 32:7 – Join me today!
One Week and Counting…
If you’ve been with me since day one of this Psalms series, pat yourself on the back! You’ve spent some alone time with our Heavenly Father for 7 days in a row, which can be a huge accomplishment for the busy homeschool mom! I hope you’ve also been able to do a little scripture reading outside of this as well!
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed or stressed and are having a difficult time fitting scripture in, I highly encourage you to check out how you can easily squeeze scripture into your busy day by utilizing moments. Some of my top moments for scripture reading time are morning, (check out my posts on our morning basket, and bible bin for more info), our daily homeschool quiet time, and in the evening hours. You can read more about that in 10 ways to de-stress after a long day.
If you haven’t been with us for the past 6 days, I highly encourage you to head over to 31 Days of Scripture – Psalms | Day ONE to get caught up!
Short & Sweet
Psalm 32:7
I absolutely love this verse! When I was studying the Psalms and stumbled upon this one, I knew I had to find the perfect image to go along with it. I honestly couldn’t imagine anything more fitting than this amazing cave leading out into a beautiful paradise. Absolutely love the concept! This leads me into my favorite part of the verse itself…
“…my hiding place” – This. So much this! God is my hiding place. He knows me inside and out, He knows the deepest parts of my soul. I can always run to Him in signs of trouble. He is my safe place and when I depend on him, he will surround me with his presence. He will deliver me from my troubles. Beautiful isn’t it?!
Call to Action
Today I encourage you to catch up on past Psalms readings, or simply add in a little additional scripture time! Liking this series so far? Please remember to share on social media for others to enjoy!