Day Six
Psalm 31:24
Join me in our daily reading today – Psalm 31:24
What is courage exactly? While pondering this, I took a little (virtual) trip to where I found the following definition for courage: “The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.”
Amazing right? I don’t know about you, but I kind of want to print this definition and frame it. True courage is such a rare thing. I truly wish I could sit here and say I have courage in most situations, but I totally don’t. As strong and confident as I sometimes appear on the outside, I’m nothing but a bundle of fear and worry on the inside. This is the total opposite of what our Heavenly Father wants and desires for us, His son didn’t give his life for us to sit on this earth and worry! He gave his life so we could have life, so we could live a life of courage for HIM! Let’s reflect on that as we start our devotion time today.

Short & Sweet
Psalm 31:24
Just re-read that first line again…
“Be of good courage” – Remember that definition you read above? Courage is a serious deal and this Psalm is such an amazing reminder that sometimes it really does take a great deal of courage to stand strong in our faith and depend on something we can’t see. If we fully place our hope in the one who created us, we can know without a doubt that our hearts will be strengthened in HIM.
Call to Action
Are you a worrier? Or maybe you stress incredibly easy? Trust me, you’re not alone! I worry, fret, and stress over some of the most mundane things in daily life. However, God calls us to be faithful, courageous, and steadfast in our faith! I encourage you to take a few moments today to spend with our Heavenly Father. Pray for courage! Pray for strength in the areas that you are weak, and allow Him to take control.