The days are long, but the years are short. I hope this simple inspirational story about the birthday blessings I’ve experienced over the years with my kiddos inspires you to cherish every birthday milestone with your own kiddos!
Baby’s First Birthday
The iconic first birthday represents so many things, you guys!
They are a simple reminder of just how far our children have come in a year’s time.
From being a tiny, helpless new life to becoming a jabbering and playing, a fast-paced toddler with a personality.
I feel like it was just yesterday when I was celebrating my daughter’s first birthday.
She was tiny and adorable.
While my older boys were full-on walkers by their first birthday, this sweet little girl was still only cruising around furniture at the 12-month mark and I was thoroughly appreciating the slower pace.
That said, she was my youngest and my only girl so needless to say, I went all out for her first birthday celebration.
We decorated the house with tiny sparkly butterflies, did the smash cake thing, and watched in awe as she opened her gifts.
I had been through this first birthday thing twice before so I knew just how incredibly special this moment was, you guys!
While the snow kept most of our guests away, we still had an incredible time celebrating an entire year of having this sweet baby girl in our lives.
Then, just like that, she turned five.
Birthday Blessings to Remember
I barely blinked and my last baby became a kid.
The days are long, but the years are short, you guys!
That said, I experienced this same fast-paced growing-up thing with my 2 boys and I swear it only gets worse as they get older.
I have a 13-year-old son and a 10-year-old who will be turning 11 in just 2 days!
With my soon-to-be 11-year-old’s birthday fast approaching, it has me thinking about all of his past birthdays.
They feel like they happened just yesterday, yet they also feel so incredibly long ago!
I feel like this precious time with my babies is slipping away.
One day they will be adults and won’t need me like they do today and it’s an incredibly bitter-sweet feeling.
If you have little ones, I encourage you to soak up every moment, you guys because they are only little for so long.
While the cake and decorations are fun, they mustn’t overshadow the birthday blessings.
Peanut Butter Birthday
Sweet memories aside, my mind has also been consumed by the planning of my 10-year-old’s upcoming peanut butter birthday.
What exactly is a peanut butter birthday, anyway??
This year, my sweet guy decided to throw me a curve ball and requested an all-things peanut butter birthday and I have to magically produce one in just a couple of days, you guys!
He told me he wanted a peanut butter cake and the rest was up to me.
Gee, thanks, kid!
I’ve been wracking my brain all week, and after a quick Target run, I still only came home with a simple birthday banner and a bag full of peanuts.
This will certainly be the most unique birthday party we have had to date.
I’m honestly not even sure how it will turn out at this point, but there is one thing I do know, it will be a birthday blessing to remember!
All that said, I did recently come across my grandpa’s homemade peanut butter frosting recipe so I know the cake will be yummy, you guys!
I seriously cannot wait to share one of my favorite desserts as a child, with my very own children.
Wish me all the luck on all the rest!
True Birthday Blessings
I don’t know what birthdays look like in your house but in our home, they are simple and amazing.
When someone’s birthday rolls around it means we get to spend an entire day devoted to celebrating the life of that particular person.
What a true blessing it is, you guys!
Birthdays aren’t about fancy gifts, lavish parties, or the most amazing delicacies we’ve ever eaten.
They are about celebrating someone we love and how incredibly special their presence is in our lives.
What an incredible blessing it is to get to celebrate the birthday of a loved one!
Homeschool Birthday Blessings
While birthdays are special for everyone, we are a homeschool family and do things slightly differently than most.
First, birthdays are holidays in our home and everyone gets the day off from school.
Second, the birthday kid gets to pick all the meals, a theme for decorating, and something fun for us to do!
Lastly, we just spend the day together celebrating this special human while soaking up all the birthday blessings we can.
That said, my kiddos aren’t used to elaborate parties, you guys.
We tend to keep things super simple and family-oriented.
While lunch and dinner options tend to vary, all 3 of my kiddos typically want Dad’s biscuits and gravy for breakfast on their special day.
Then, we spend the day watching movies, playing board games, or going somewhere special.
It’s just such a wonderful time to make memories and enjoy each other presence.
All that said, I look forward to celebrating the experience of yet another birthday blessing this week when my middle child turns 11, peanut butter and all!
More Birthday Inspiration
Over the years, we have had even more unique birthdays than the wonderful peanut butter birthday mentioned above.
Recently, I have thrown a Sorcerer’s Apprentice birthday (last year) followed by a Zorro birthday (this year) for my now 11-year-old daughter!
It’s crazy to think she was only 5 years old when I originally wrote this inspirational story, you guys!
That said, my middle kiddo is now 16-years-old and my oldest is 19-years-old.
The time truly does fly by and I’m finding myself soaking up every moment before they leave the nest.
I hope this post inspired you as you celebrate your loved one’s special day and I encourage you to check out these inspirational prayers and blessings for birthdays!
Don’t forget to check out some of our other inspirational stories on the Be Still blog.
From the memories of my Grandma to the iconic song You Are My Sunshine that I shared with my young daughter.