Day Three
Psalm 23

Join me in reading a beloved favorite – Psalm 23 on the third day of our 31 day scripture.

31 days of Psalms - Psalm 23

A Known Favorite
Psalm 23…

Today’s verse (or verses) is a known favorite around the world! It’s easily recognizable and many people can even recite it at a moments notice. My son actually learned this set of verses when he was in the first grade. What’s super unique about his experience is that he actually learned it as a rap song.

We weren’t homeschooling at the time, so our boys were attending a local christian school. His entire first grade class learned this adorable rap and got to perform it for parents! Quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Short & Sweet
Psalm 23

This is a section of the Psalms that almost everyone should be familiar with. I chose to include it in with the daily scripture readings simply because I love it. Plus, it’s easily recognizable and such a great reminder about how wonderful our God is.

There are two specific lines that just completely overwhelm me with joy each time I read this set of verses.

“My cup runs over”

I don’t always take the time that I should to really stop and think about all the ways God has blessed me in this life, but when I do, it’s incredible! Sometimes I just see a messy house, mounds of laundry, errands to run, crumbs on the floor boards of my car, stacks of papers that need grading, and lots of chaotic noise. However, when I change my point of view I can see that these stressful things are actually huge blessings. I have a place to call my home, clothes to wear, a working car, food to eat, kids that are constantly learning, and a beautiful family. My cup definitely runs over!

“I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever”

This is seriously the best part of all. Think about it, after this life has passed on we have the amazing promise that we get to live with our Lord and Savior forever. How awesome will that be? No pain. No housework, haha! Just simply dwelling with our God. As much as I enjoy the blessings I have here on this earth, the promise of forever with my Savior is such an overwhelming joy to think about.

Psalm 23 1-6

Call to Action

If you don’t already have a portion of this memorized, I highly encourage you to pick a section and keep in your heart. Study it daily and dwell on it. Consider extending your study with this Inspirational Psalm 23 Journal.

31 Days of Scripture Study - Day THREE Psalm 23