Psalm 95:6-7

I hope you are enjoying this study so far! Join me as we jump straight into our scripture for the day – Psalm 95:6-7

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 19

Quiet Time

How do you find that quiet, still time with the Lord? Do you simply fill your cup on Sunday morning and wait to fill up again the following Sunday? Or do you practice a daily quiet time with the One who created us all?

While spending our Sunday with Him is wonderful, having a personal time with Him on a daily basis is just as essential. Trying to make it through the day on our very own can end in total disaster! So let’s skip the busy and take a quiet moment to spend with Him today.

Still feel like you’re struggling to find the time? Make out a list of what you might do in a typical day… Figure out what things you can cut out. Do you spend hours on social media or mindlessly scrolling online? The 30 Day Screen Challenge can help break the cycle.

Not dealing with an electronics issue, but still having a hard time incorporating scripture into your daily schedule? Find out how a daily Quiet Time for your children can help, also check out 10 Ways to De-Stress to learn other ways I squeeze my daily dose in.

Psalm 95:6-7

Short & Sweet
Psalm 95:6-7

This Psalm is a powerful reminder that we are just God’s sheep and He is in complete control of our lives.  He deserves our praise, worship, adoration, and reverence. I absolutely love the truth and beauty behind this verse.

Anyone else just want to break out into song after studying this verse? Or is it just me?

Call to Action

Let’s take some time right now in this moment to thank God for being our Maker. Spend some quiet moments to reflect on who God really is. Let’s worship and bow down to the One who gave us life.
