Psalm 47:2

It’s day sixteen! Join me in reading our verse of the day – Psalm 47:2

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 16

Awesome God

One of my favorite songs as a young teenager was “Our God is an Awesome God” by Rich Mullins. I just thoroughly enjoyed singing this amazing up beat song every time it played. It flowed off the tongue nicely and had a super catchy tune.

However, it wasn’t until I was much older that I truly appreciated the value in those 6 simple words “Our God is an Awesome God”. God is the creator of all things and for some wild reason completely above my understanding, He gave me life. He’s blessed me beyond measure and chooses to love me every day despite my constant state of sin and failure.

He truly is an awesome God.

Psalm 47:2

Short & Sweet
Psalm 47:2

It’s so incredible to think about all the amazing things God has done for us. He is King over everything, merciful, mighty, and awesome. He created all living things and loves us despite our selfish, sin nature. There really is no better description for our Lord than AWESOME!

Call to Action

If you haven’t already, I highly encourage you to start a prayer or scripture journal. This verse is a wonderful place to start. Simply write down all the ways God has proven Himself awesome in your life. Include the small and mundane, to the huge and unforgettable. God is ever present and awesome. He truly is a great king.

If you find yourself struggling to find the time to spend with our awesome God on a daily basis, I highly encourage you to check out Mom’s Coffee Break to see how I sometimes squeeze my scripture time in. Feel like you’re too busy homeschooling or mommin’ to fit in a coffee break? Find out how creating a daily quiet time for your children could help!

Give part of your today to our awesome God.
