Psalm 37:4
Ready to tackle day twelve? Join me in reading Psalm 37:4 today!
A Fresh Start
What better way to get that fresh start to a brand new day, than by connecting with our Lord? I encourage you to spend some quality time in prayer with our heavenly father before we dive into scripture today! If you haven’t already been following the 31 days of Psalms, now is also a great time to catch up. You can do that easy – START RIGHT HERE —> Day One
Get that brand new start you’ve been craving, refresh & renew your mind and spirit by growing your relationship with our Heavenly Father. Ready to dive in to today’s verse? Great! Me too!

Short & Sweet
Psalm 37:4
When we take the time to truly speak the desires of our heart to the Lord, He hears us. It’s amazing to think that we have a Savior that is so willing to take care of our needs and bless us, even when we are so incredibly undeserving.
Now, this verse isn’t saying we will always get anything and everything we ever ask for though. Make sure as your read through scripture you see the truth that written on each page. God loves us beyond measure, we all know that right? He also wants us to be happy and live a full life, don’t you think? While those points may be truthful, we also must depend on Him, trust in Him, and give up our old self to follow His will. Easier said than done, I know.
God calls us to give our desires up to Him. Trust Him, He will answer.
Does he always answer in a way we understand? No. Do these answers come exactly how we imagined every time? Again, no
Keep in mind, if our hearts are fully presented to Him, our desires should line up to His calling and His will. Then, we will be presented and given the true desires of our hearts.
Call to Action
Lift your desires up to the Lord today! It seriously can’t get anymore simple than this! Tell the Lord your hurts, your desires, your needs and your wants. Ask Him to show you His will, then simply let Him guide the way.