Psalm 139:23-24

Read with me will you? Today we are studying Psalm 139:23-24 in His word.

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 29


Do you struggle daily with anxiety? Or maybe your life is just busy and stress keeps creeping its way in? Either way, as humans we all suffer with mental strain or anxieties from time to time. My biggest enemy in this life? Definitely anxiety!

When I’m not careful, I let the stress and anxiety steal my joy and completely take over. If you’ve found yourself stuck in that exact same place, take a moment to read 10 Ways to De-Stress After a Long Day and Mom’s Coffee Break. Find out how I make self care a part of my daily routine, because if I didn’t… I would certainly let stress take over.

Love reading the Psalms, but sad we are nearing the end? Bookmark this page by sharing on social media or pinning to Pinterest! Feel free to back track and pin other verses you loved!

Just joining us? Don’t want to start on Day 29? You can find the start of our journey right here —> PSALMS DAY ONE

Psalm 139:23-24

Short & Sweet
Psalm 139:23-24

What a great follow up to yesterday’s verse! We already know that God knows our hearts and our inner most being. What better reason to take that knowledge and turn all our fears and anxieties over to Him? He wants us to share our entire life with Him, the life He gave to us in the first place. Truly inspiring.

Call to Action

I challenge you to take some time to lean on our Heavenly Father today. Ask Him to show you your faulty ways, and lead you towards the right path. God is a God of mercy and forgiveness. Turning your life over to Him is the biggest and best decision you could ever make in this life. Let Him know you inside and out. Give Him your all today!
