Psalm 135:5

We are closing in on the finish line of this study! Todays verse – Psalm 135:5

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 26

In Times of Struggle

As I sit here on this beautiful Sunday morning with coffee and bible in hand, I am reminded of His deep unconditional love for me. When I struggle with anything in this life, He is the one I want to run to. However, there are often times when I don’t. How about you? Do you always run straight to Him when trouble arises?

I know without a doubt that God is ever present and His love is never failing. With that said, I’m still human. I fail… quite often actually. In those incredible times of struggle and difficulty, He is the only one I should be running to. The only one I should be asking for help and guidance. Depending on myself can only end in disaster!

Are you dealing with a difficult time in your life? Open up your heart today and depend on Him to get you through. Trust Him. Allowing excess stress to seep into your daily life? I highly encourage you to check out 10 Ways to De-Stress After a Long Day to find out how I deal with that pesky house guest, stress!

Ready to study scripture? Go ahead and dive into today’s verse! Or if you are just joining us for the 31 days of Psalms, feel free to start over at DAY ONE and catch up in your own time. It’s never too late to start your very own 31 day scripture journey!

Psalm 135:5

Short & Sweet
Psalm 135:5

What a great verse for the beginning of our week. Spoken simply. God is great and He is above all! I don’t know about you, but I feel like I needed this incredible reminder today! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our busy day to day lives. We tend to push our relationship with God to the back burner when things are going exactly our way. Then, when things fall apart… who gets the blame?

While in most cases God probably gets the brunt of our wrath and blame. However in reality, we really should be blaming ourselves for letting our relationship with Him become less valued than other happenings in our lives. He gave up His everything for us, so that we may live with Him forever. Can you imagine giving up your only son for someone that doesn’t even know him? I certainly can’t!

Call to Action

As busy moms, it can be difficult to set aside time in our daily routines of laundry, lessons, and messes to spend with our Lord. However, it’s essential. God’s love for us is unconditional and His mercy is unending. Make time for Him today!

Take some moments out of your busy day and thank Him for giving you this life. Then, repent in those areas where you struggle at being close to Him. Open your heart and let God be your guide in this life, especially in those dark times of trouble! Rest easy my friend, and depend on the one who gave His son for you!
