Psalm 118:29

Today’s reading can be found in Psalm 118:29 – let’s dive right in!

31 Days of Scripture Psalms Day 24

One Week Away

You made it all the way to day 24 of our 31 day journey. How exciting! Do you know what this means? We only have ONE week left! While the end of this exciting scripture journey through the Psalms is nearing it’s end, you can always start over at DAY ONE anytime!

I highly encourage you to take a moment to start today off with a little prayer and quiet time. As I sit here with coffee in hand on this beautiful Friday morning, I’m reminded of all the wonderful ways my God has blessed me in this life. While yes, there have been hard times, dark moments, and incredibly difficult seasons to walk through, He has been my guide and rock through it all!

Reminding ourselves that things happen for reasons beyond our comprehension, can be extremely hard and overwhelming to take in. Yet, it’s one of the most important life lessons we can walk through as a christian. Lean on Him today.

Psalm 118:29

Short & Sweet
Psalm 118:29

“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!” – What better way to start the weekend, then by praising and thanking our wonderful Lord? If you’re anything like me, you live for the weekend and this is the absolute best way to dive in head first!

I absolutely love this verse and the deep truth that sits within it. God really is good and His mercy does endure forever, and ever! The fact that this verse has been turned into a popular tune is incredibly fitting. I know when I read it, I just want to sing!

Call to Action

Spend some additional time with Him today. Give thanks to the Lord for all the amazing ways he has blessed you throughout your life. Ask Him to open your heart and show you His mercy and goodness. Rest in Him today, friend.
